What parasites exist in the human body. Classification of parasites, their types. How to get rid of parasites in the body, prevention.
20 August 2022
Treatment of parasites in the human body by various methods. The use of soda and its solution to combat helminthiasis. Patient reviews.
20 April 2022
Symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human body. Reasons for the appearance of uninvited guests. Diagnosis and purification of a person from helminths.
17 April 2022
From the material you will learn what tests for parasites exist today, what biological materials are examined (blood, feces), and also what the accuracy of the results is.
16 April 2022
Parasites in the human body are our constant companions. We may not even guess about their presence, but in the meantime they continue to harm the body. What are the symptoms to recognize the presence of helminths and how to get rid of them? Answers in the article.
16 April 2022
What are the signs of the appearance of worms in adults and children, as well as how to identify worms at home and using various diagnostic methods, this article will tell.
25 July 2021
Modern realities are such that these or those parasites live in organisms of 95 (! )% Of the population of our planet. It is very important to understand that any helminth can cause serious damage to health, therefore, it is necessary to take extremely responsible attitude to their prevention and treatment.
26 April 2021
Parasitosis is a separate group of diseases that are provoked by protozoa or helminths. Giardia and worms - differences and similarities, clinical picture, treatment.
21 April 2021
Many believe that small dangerous pests are found only in the gastrointestinal tract (intestines, liver, spleen) and are mistaken. These evil spirits feel great in our blood, subcutaneous layer, bone tissues, brains!
20 April 2021
Types of parasites, signs of their presence in the human body, general symptoms, clinical picture depending on the location. Treatment and prevention of parasites
19 April 2021